Saturday, April 28, 2012

a rant about self-image

I am on Pinterest. 

I love it! I think that there are so many delicious meals to cook, crafts to sew, things to make from pallets, and ideas for decorating that can all be found in one place. It makes searching the web just a little bit easier.

However there is something that really bothers me about it. What bothers me is how many of my friends have pin boards on being motivated to be skinny. 

I don't have a problem with eating right, and being fit. I think God gave us lives that we should take care of as much as he has provided for us to take care of them. I just have a problem with how obsessed women tend to get about their looks.

I even have a friend who cares so much what she looks like that she thinks her husband won't love her if she doesn't work out. How sad for her, that her self-worth is so wrapped up in what she looks like.

1 Peter 3:4-6
[godly women] but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening.

This is very interesting because when Peter wrote this, the Roman empire was at its peak. Philosophers were writing and teaching. They were worshiping the gods of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey (the Romans, not Peter). Technology had progressed so far and it took ages after the fall of the empire to recover it. These people weren't far behind the way American culture exists today. There was just as much perversion, sex, entertainment, and violence. 

I say all of this because it seems that whenever anyone wants to bring up the S word - submission - I tend to hear the excuse, "Oh well the culture was much different back then." I believe this to be a very weak excuse.

Peter was a man and a sinner just like all men. He saw women the same way all heterosexual men see women today - attractive. He may have even gotten married. So when he tells women how to dress and behave biblically, he probably knows what he's talking about. 

Ladies, we need to be set apart. 

The culture around us entices us to feel like we should look a certain way. We need to not buy into it. Stay healthy and eat the things God gave us for food. Stay healthy and get out in the creation and work hard at everything you do. But it is extremely unnecessary to look like an airbrushed celebrity.

Secondly there is a list there of how we as women should look. 

- imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.

How many women who are working their tails off at the gym are also working on taming their spirit? A gentle and quiet spirit doesn't mean that we need to be soft-spoken, mousy, timid women. It means to be at peace. Is your soul peaceful or are you constantly anxious, worrying, whining, or complaining about something? Are you working hard at casting those cares on Jesus? Are you even thinking about doing that? I know that as a woman there are many things for me worry, be anxious, and complain about. I'm not good at letting them be either. But rather than being concerned about a flat tummy, I should be looking into getting peace for my spirit.

- the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord.

Wow! Do you call your husband lord?

I started. Seriously. And it's kind of fun. He likes it. He finds it encouraging and sweet.

I know ladies who say they submit to their husbands, and yet I see them being very nagging and controlling nonetheless. 

Submission is happy obedience. It is letting someone else be in control. Above all, it is letting go of your own wants, desires, and expectations of the other person and giving those things to God. 

For example:

There are a lot of things that need to get done around my home, and I do a lot. It would be nice of my husband to help out with the baby/handy work/putting away his laundry/etc., whenever he is home. However, my husband also works six days a week to provide for our family to eat, dress, and have a roof over our heads. If my husband wants to relax when he gets home, is it really kind or fair of me to start nagging him to do things? If he tells me he will do something, is it really my job to monitor the time frame in which it gets done? If it doesn't get done and it is in my power to do it, I should just do it myself because it's obviously bothering me more than it is him.

Also, we are not the heads of our families, but rather our husbands are. They are responsible before God at the end of the day with how they have cared for that family. They will have to answer and give an account. Do you know how scary that is? Do you know how heavy a load that is for a man to bear? Do you really want to take that load on yourself? Therefore the choices your husband makes for you, your children, and himself may include your opinions and counsel, but they are his to make. He doesn't need your nagging or manipulation. You only make a burden and a hinderance (not a help) of yourself when you so easily do this.

You don't have to trust your husband to make good decisions. He probably will fail from time to time. However, God gave that husband to you, and He established him as your leader. Therefore you must trust God to take care of you - good or bad decisions. God will work all things for your good (Rom. 8:28)

- And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening

This all goes back to not worrying, trusting God, and finding peace.

How are you doing on working on your heart? 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

blood on our hands

Disclaimer: This post is not to pass judgement on the actions of any individual person(s) but to cause awareness of a subject that is rarely discussed openly in the church.

I don't use birth contraception. None. Not the pill, not condoms; I don't even use the 'rhythm method' as prescribed by the Catholic church.

The reason I don't is because of personal convictions. I believe that God is the giver and sustainer of life. He is the creator and we are the creation. I believe the Lord open and closes the womb as he did with Sarah, Hannah, and Rachel.

Who are we, oh creation, to tell the Creator when and when not to create? Does this not seem like arrogance?

I only have one child. I conceived her one month after getting married to my husband. Would it have been nice to have gotten more alone time with my new spouse before adding to our family? Sure. But it was not God's will for our family, and my daughter is a treasure to us and a blessing to our home. We would never want to be without her.

I only have one child, and not 19 like Michelle Duggar, so I am not assaulted by comments by fellow believers such as:

"You know what causes that, don't you?"

"Wow, you're just like rabbits!"

But I have heard them said to my mother who has 8 children. All of whom she loves to the point of giving up her life for.

Comments such as these are extremely offensive, and if you have ever made them, you need to apologize to the person you made them to, and ask forgiveness of the Lord for despising the blessing he has bestowed upon such families.

Psalm 127:3-5  
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. 
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior    are the children of one's youth. 
Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! 
He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

It is your own business if you have chosen to limit your blessings. I will not judge you for it. But it is not your business to judge others for having a bounty of them. Rather, you should be rejoicing along side of them. You cannot bring any other thing on this earth to heaven with you, but you can strive to lead your children to Christ and in so doing assure their place in heaven with you, however many there may be.

Matthew 19:14 - but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

Some women cannot get pregnant at all. They try special surgeries and tests in order to become so. Why? Because they desire the blessing.

On the other hand...

There are many people in the church who get all fired up about abortion being genocide. How many of those women are on the pill, and participating in that genocide?

I said WHAT!?

I know there are many people who aren't aware that being on the pill kills babies. So I am telling you now - Being on the pill kills babies.

I tried to add this video from youtube but blogger can't find it, so if you're interested in knowing the truth about how the birth control pill causes abortions, click here.

If the church is committing genocide, how can we expect that our prayers for abortion to stop to be heard?

Planned Parenthood are the largest supporters of abortion and handers out of the birth control pill in this country. Unfortunately our government is spending our tax dollars to support Planned Parenthood along with overseas abortions. This is something we can't control. However, we can control our support of organizations who, in turn, support planned parenthood.

These are organizations that support Planned Parenthood as sited by Life Decisions International & Les Femmes The Truth

  • Outward Bound West 
  • American Automobile Association (AAA)
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • Dr. Phil Foundation
  • Lions Clubs
  • American Cancer Society
  • Easter Seals
  • Boys & Girls Clubs
  • Ronald McDonald House Charities
  • Camp Fire Girls Inc.
  • Girl Scouts
  • Kiwanis Clubs
  • March of Dimes
  • Muscular Dystrophy Association
  • Rotary Clubs
  • Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
  • The Salvation Army
  • YWCA
  • America Gives Back (formerly [American] Idol Gives Back)
  • YMCA
  • American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
  • American Diabetes Association. 

Involvement ranges from donating funds to pro-abortion groups (or allowing affiliates to do so), supporting anti-life causes, allowing pro-abortion groups access to membership, adopting an official pro-abortion policy position, and so forth

I'm not trying to tell you how you should plan your family. All I'm trying to say is, this is what I am currently doing AND I am asking you to both examine prayerfully the way you are planning your family and to examine your attitude toward those who have decided to allow God to work how He will in theirs.